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add External Name
: something
; <tt>type: ExternalName</tt>
: map a Service to a DNS name, not to a typical selector such as my-service or cassandra
: This Service definition, for example, maps the <tt>my-service</tt> Service in the <tt>prod</tt> namespace to <tt></tt>:
: <syntaxhighlight lang="yaml">
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
namespace: prod
type: ExternalName
: When looking up the host <tt></tt>, the cluster DNS Service returns a <tt>CNAME</tt> record with the value <tt></tt>. Accessing <tt>my-service</tt> works in the same way as other Services but with the crucial difference that redirection happens at the DNS level rather than via proxying or forwarding. Should you later decide to move your database into your cluster, you can start its Pods, add appropriate selectors or endpoints, and change the Service's type.
: Note: although you can use an IPv4 address string of digits as the name, don't do it.
: Consider using [ headless services] for that use case.

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