== The bookmarklet ==
Want this [[wp:bookmarklet|bookmarklet]]? Drag the following link to your browser bookmark bar: <html><a href="javascript: (function(){var t=window.getSelection?window.getSelection().toString():document.selection.createRange().text;var re = /[\s\-xX0-9]{10,17}/;var OK = re.exec(t);if (!OK) {alert(t + ' is not a valid ISBN\n Please just select a 10 or 13 digit ISBN\ndashes and spaces are OK');} else {t = t.replace(/[\-\s]/,'');window.location='http://newburyport.mvlc.org/eg/opac/results?contains=contains;_special=1;qtype=identifier%7Cisbn;locg=1;pane=numeric;query='+t}})();">Search MVLC</a></html>
== Description ==
Suppose you're shopping on Amazon for a book like Lawrence Lessig's '''[http://www.amazon.com/Free-Culture-Technology-Control-Creativity/dp/1594200068 Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity]''', and you wonder if your local library has a copy of the book. Amazon displays the <abbr title='ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs are 10-digit or 13-digit codes used by the publishing industry to uniquely identify individual book titles and editions. Some 10-digit ISBNs may end with an "X" instead of a digit.'>ISBN</abbr> near the title or product details. The catalog for the [http://www.mvlc.org/Libraries Merrimack Valley Library Consortium] supports lookup by ISBN. If you perform the search, you'll notice that the resulting URL for that search is
// clean up by removing dashes and spaces
t = t.replace(/[\-\s]/,'');
// hand off to MLVC MVLC search
window.location = 'http://newburyport.mvlc.org/eg/opac/results?contains=contains;_special=1;qtype=identifier%7Cisbn;locg=1;pane=numeric;query=' + t;
{{Messagebox|type=success|text=Note: for the bookmarklet to work, it all has to be on one line. The code above is presented on several lines for readability.}}
Want this bookmarklet? Drag this link to your browser bookmark bar: <html><a href="javascript: (function(){var t=window.getSelection?window.getSelection().toString():document.selection.createRange().text;var re = /[\s\-xX0-9]{10,17}/;var OK = re.exec(t);if (!OK) {alert(t + ' is not a valid ISBN\n Please just select a 10 or 13 digit ISBN\ndashes and spaces are OK');} else {t = t.replace(/[\-\s]/,'');window.location='http://newburyport.mvlc.org/eg/opac/results?contains=contains;_special=1;qtype=identifier%7Cisbn;locg=1;pane=numeric;query='+t}})();">Search MLVC</a></html>
== Try it ==
* Free Culture is ISBN 1594200068
If you want to customize the location of the search, you must change the '''locg''' parameter. <code>locg=1</code> searches across all the MLVC MVLC rather than a specific library to cast the widest net - and of course you can always ask for the material to be loaned to your local library. The Merrimack Valley Library Consortium includes the towns of
# Amesbury