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Creating cheat sheet for VBoxManage
== Reference ==
See [ Chapter 8] in the VirtualBox Manual.

== Cheat Sheet ==
This is just a short list of some possible commands. All of these commands have many more options or variants, so refer to the documentation or command help.

To get a list of all the available commands, enter <code>VBoxManage</code> in your console.
;VBoxManage -v: print version number

;VBoxManage list --long vms : List available machines
: Without the <code>--long</code> option, this will show you just the name and UUID of the machine.
: E.g. "vagrant_default_1418918147177_40503" {874b812c-f37d-4f98-84a8-06460d3104f8}
: The name (or UUID) is used in most commands to specify which VM you are interacting with.

;VBoxManage showvminfo vmname --details : Show the details of your machine

;VBoxManage modifyvm vmname --memory 2048 : Give the vm 2 GB of RAM (Note that this will not persist if your VM is defined by Vagrant. To persist changes in [[Vagrant]], you would modify the Settings-rb)

;VBoxManage import <ovfname/ovaname> --dry-run : import an appliance that you exported somewhere else

[[Category:System Administration]]


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