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1,980 bytes added ,  07:54, 9 October 2019
add single-transaction switch
<source lang="bash">
# @author Greg Rundlett <>
# This is a quick shell script to create a sql dump of your database.
# You may need to adjust the path of mysqldump,
# or sudo apt-get install mysqldump if it doesn't exist
# We'll make it so you can pass the database name as the first parameter # to the script for playbook / cron / non-interactive use# If no parameter is passed, we'll prompt you for the nameDB=$1if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Here are the current databases on the server" mysql -u root --batch --skip-column-names -e 'show databases;' echo "Enter the name of the database you want to backup" read DBfi# If on a Virtual Machine, use a location that is exported to the host, # so that our backups are accessible even if the virtual machine is no longer accessible.# backupdir=wiki"/vagrant/mediawiki/backups";backupdir="$HOME/backups";
if [ ! -d "$backupdir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$backupdir";
 # shell parameter expansion # see we'll start with a default backup file named '01' in the sequencebackup="${backupdir}/dump-$(date +%F).$(hostname)-${DB}.01.sql";# and we'll increment the counter in the filename if it already exists#
filename=$(basename "$backup") # foo.txt(basename is everything after the last slash)extension=${filename##*.} # .txt(filename with the longest matching pattern of *. being deleted)file=${filename%.*} # foo (filename with the shortest matching pattern of .* deleted)file=${file%.*} # repeat the strip to get rid of the counter# file=${filename%.{00..99}.$extension} # foo(filename with the shortest matching pattern of .[01-99].* deleted)
while [ -f $backup ]; do
backup="$backupdir/${file}.${(printf '%.2d' $(( i}+1 ))).${extension}" i=$(( i+1 )) # increments $i # note that i is naked because $(( expression )) is arithmetic expansion in bash
if /usr/bin/mysqldump --single-transaction "$DB " > "$backup";then echo "backup created successfully" ls -al "$backup"; echo "A command such as" echo "mysql -u root $DB < $backup" echo "will restore the database from the chosen sql dump file"else echo "ERROR: Something went wrong with the backup" exit 1fi
For all databases on a host
<source lang="bash">
mysql --execute="show databases" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iv ^Database$ | sed 's/\(.*\)/mysqldump --single-transaction \1 > \1.'$(date +"%Y%m%d")'.sql/'
# Then just redo the command piped to sh
One of many ways to dump a database from one machine to another
<source lang="bash">
sudo mysqldump --single-transaction mydb | gzip -c | ssh ubuntu@ 'cat > /home/ubuntu/mydb.dump.sql.gz'
[[Category:System Administration]]

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