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1,600 bytes added ,  10:56, 17 November 2017
better example of sshfs
<source lang="bash">
sudo sshfs -o IdentityFile=/home/greg/.ssh/id_rsa -o allow_other greg@eqt:/var/www/ /mnt/droplet
Actually, that's a bad example. You shouldn't need sudo to sshfs. Create a mountpoint that you have write permission on. Then use the <code>-o idmap=user</code> option to translate your local user to the remote user (giving you the same permissions on the remote files as remote user would have).
<source lang="bash">
sudo mkdir /mnt/foo
sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/foo
sshfs -o idmap=user -o ssh_command='ssh -t -i /home/$USER/.ssh/id_rsa -o IdentitiesOnly=true -o ForwardAgent=true -L ssh -A' centos@ /mnt/foo
Then, setup a project in NetBeans with existing sources, and use the mountpoint
== Troubleshooting ==
See the [[process]] page for info on using the <code>ps</code> command to find out about your NetBeans process.
<code>ps</code> will tell you things about the various options (like Heap Size) that can be passed to the program on the command line, or set in defaults. For defaults, look at <code>/etc/netbeans.conf</code> Then, depending on your installation directory, look at the contents of the log file - which you can find using <code>locate messages.log</code>
=== Slow Startup (NetBeans background scanning projects takes too long) ===
When I tailed the messages.log file, I found out that the indexing took over 40 minutes. So, startup did actually finish as I spent an hour trying to figure out why it was taking so long.
INFO [org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.indexing.RepositoryUpdater]: Complete indexing of 11 source roots took: 2,443,238 ms (New or modified files: 11,926, Deleted files: 2,371) [Adding listeners took: 23 ms]
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