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1,123 bytes added ,  00:56, 16 September 2016
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# <code>ansible</code> - to execute an individual shell command or Ansible module on the specified systems
# <code>ansible-vault</code> - (optional) to encrypt or decrypt YAML files that Ansible uses.
=== Global Config ===
<code>export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False</code>
or set it in your ~/.ansible.cfg so that as you add new hosts it won't prompt you.
Also [ use 'ssh' instead of paramiko] when doing this.
=== Initialize a Project ===
'''Ansible Galaxy''' If you want to do a new project, you can use the <code>ansible-galaxy foo init</code> command which will create the directory and file structure for 'foo' in the current working directory.
== Modules ==
Note: control verbosity with <code>-vvvv</code>
# <code>ansible -c local -i ~/ansible_hosts -m ping all</code> ping all the hosts in the inventory file
# <code>ansible '''-m setup '''</code> will show you all the ansible 'facts' (aka [[ansible_variables]]) about that host.# <code>ansible '''localhost''' -m setup -a 'gather_subset=!all'</code> or look at the localhost# <code>ansible all -m setup -a '''"filter=ansible_distribution*"'''</code> use a filter action to see specific variables# <code>ansible localhost -m setup --tree /tmp/facts</code> store all facts in a file 'tree', based on hostname
#<code>ansible -m debug -a "var=hostvars['']" localhost</code> gives you the '[[ansible hostvars]]'
# <code>ansible-playbook play1.yml play2.yml</code> Run multiple playbooks
# <code>~/bin/ansible/contrib/inventory/ --list --pretty --api-token TOKEN_HERE</code> use the DO api to list your droplets (dynamic inventory)
# <code>ansible-playbook -vvv launch.yml -l --user=root -e '''--start-at-task'''='remove empty wiki schema from database if it already exists'</code> start at a particular point in the task list
# <code>php -r 'var_dump(json_decode(file_get_contents("/tmp/facts/localhost"), true));'</code> look at the json with php (or more interesting tools) With Ansible's Jinja2 filters, you can specify the output of a variable to be 'pretty' <nowiki>{{ some_variable | to_nice_json }}</nowiki>
== Variables ==
'''Play''': each play and contained structures, vars entries, include_vars, role defaults and vars.
'''Host''': variables directly associated to a host, like inventory, facts or registered task outputs
== Ansible with Vagrant ==
== Ansible with MediaWiki ==


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