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591 bytes added ,  15:57, 21 January 2020
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== Reference ==
== MediaWiki ==
Trying to Special:Import an XML dump from Special:Export of Commons, I get an "illegal mix of collations" error.
The *recommended* charset/collation is 'binary BINARY'.
<source lang="mysql">
ALTER table <tablename> CHARACTER SET = 'binary ' COLLATE = 'BINARY';  -- You can generate the above SQL commands with the following: SET @DATABASE_NAME = 'wiki_freephile';SELECT CONCAT("ALTER TABLE `", table_name, "` CHARACTER SET = 'binary' COLLATE = 'BINARY';") AS sql_statementsFROM information_schema.tables AS tbWHERE table_schema = @DATABASE_NAME AND `TABLE_COLLATION` = 'latin1_swedish_ci' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE' AND `tb`.table_name NOT REGEXP '.*searchindex'ORDER BY table_name DESC;

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