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From Freephile Wiki
- Protected pages Protecting and unprotecting pages Random page Range blocks Recent changes Redirects Screencast Search Searching Signatures Skins Smart computing3 KB (521 words) - 18:09, 14 June 2017
- extensions installed, I still had to delete them by hand. At least the 'recent changes' view on the main page is now fixed. Despite limited applicability to760 bytes (65 words) - 15:27, 14 May 2020
- barnstars Pumpkin icons Python QA QualityBox Quality Assurance Reading Recent changes RedHat Redirect templates Religious drawings Remove table formatting899 bytes (791 words) - 09:14, 14 May 2020
- org/scripts/show/6372 Greasemonkey script to show any MediaWiki page as a presentation Recent Changes Watchlist Preferences Automatic TOC Section editing Magic words __NOTOC__17 KB (1,986 words) - 07:50, 31 December 2018
- from the wiki. I still had to delete them by hand, but at least the 'recent changes' view on the main page is now fixed. The Nuke extension is still a useful13 KB (1,934 words) - 10:36, 14 July 2017
- should just happen automagically anytime something in etc changes Say you want to keep track of changes to the configuration directory or file of some app. You4 KB (569 words) - 13:12, 28 August 2018
- We will almost certainly leverage Ansible as an orchestration tool. In a recent blog post on, Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy) answers the question:3 KB (367 words) - 07:41, 14 November 2023
- (/etc/goaccess/my.goaccess.conf) so that you can report on your logs without any changes to your Web Server logging. # use default config file (will NOT work with5 KB (664 words) - 09:05, 10 April 2024
- you need to later delete empty commits which reflect properties not code changes) Verification mkdir -p /tmp/verify cd /tmp/verify for v in 2.0.0 2.1.0 29 KB (1,205 words) - 09:52, 22 December 2015
- this category is to make a backup of an application prior to making major changes to the application, such as an upgrade. Or, it could be close to copying12 KB (1,888 words) - 14:32, 10 June 2016
- handling MediaWiki jobs was a perl bot framework. Things have changed significantly over the recent past for MediaWiki's job queue. According to the documentation22 KB (391 words) - 11:19, 20 June 2018
- for an hour git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600' # recent packaged versions of git might be (CentOS 7.4) whereas the current17 KB (2,691 words) - 12:02, 31 March 2020
- Sometimes you want to make a bunch of changes (substitutions) of the same text across multiple files. Like changing a product name across multiple pages11 KB (1,705 words) - 14:58, 9 December 2024
- deliverables or solutions, making decisions, and growing as a team. In fact, a recent survey of corporate, government, defense, education and non-profit sectors11 KB (1,723 words) - 07:49, 31 December 2018
- will be 3.2, which dates from 2006 and will fail to meet requirements for recent modules like PDT. What's worse, the eclipse system can NOT upgrade itself14 KB (1,802 words) - 21:25, 30 January 2016
- Handling), you can simply navigate to it in the Drupal Admin (Reports > Recent log messages) There are many tools you can use to debug your CiviCRM instance22 KB (2,813 words) - 12:34, 3 December 2018
- load('//'); I'll check into all the recent details of the 'ResourceLoader' mechanism, and write a new extension or6 KB (766 words) - 19:27, 27 January 2017
- {$issue.iss_last_response_date}<br /> updated {$issue.iss_updated_date}<br /> recent activity {$issue.last_update}<br /> description {$issue.iss_description|truncate:300:"22 KB (2,839 words) - 21:57, 13 June 2007
- start with the "wiki" URL. Some methods are more precise than others. More recent MediaWikis will offer Really Simple Discovery <link rel="EditURI" type=10 KB (1,466 words) - 14:59, 21 March 2016