Typical Layout[edit]
See http://svn.code-host.net/svn/example/
This is the top of the Subversion repository. trunk/ ......... The latest development sources. When people say "Get the head of trunk", they mean the latest revision of this directory tree. branches/ ...... Various development branches. Typically a branch contains a complete copy of trunk/, even if the changes are isolated to one subdirectory. Note that branch copies are generally removed after they've been merged back into trunk, so what's in branches/ now does not reflect all the branches that have ever been created. [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn-book.html#svn.branchmerge.whatis What is a branch?] tags/ .......... Snapshots of releases. As a general policy, we don't change these after they're created; if something needs to change, we move it to branches and work on it there.
Moving things[edit]
When you move things around, you affect the downstream editors/working copies. Editors may need to update their working copies using svn switch. And you may need to alter the authorization configuration of the repo so that those editors still have access to the same project sources.
Use the --relocate option only when rewriting the URL portion:
svn switch -v --relocate file:///var/svn/myrepo/widgets http://svn.example.com/myrepo/widgets
If you make a mistake, it could cause you to have to do a clean checkout.
Most switches should only involve path changes. A more programmatic approach would be a command like:
svn switch `cat .svn/entries |grep http |cut -d -f 2` http://svn.example.com/myrepo/widgets
Anyway, to find out where a working copy is pointing to, you can simply run svn info
$ svn info
Path: .
URL: http://svn.example.com/myrepo/widgets
Repository UUID: 4341fff5-530e-0410-bccg-gf26c29f061c
Revision: 3047
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: buddysum
Last Changed Rev: 1975
Last Changed Date: 2006-08-31 12:11:23 -0400 (Thu, 31 Aug 2006)
Repository Layout Example[edit]
vendorsrc drupal current 4.6 4.7 5.5 6.6 websvn current mediawiki current phpmyadmin current websites www.example.com branches tags trunk www cms (svn:externals http://svn.example.com/svn/myproject/vendorsrc/drupal/6.6) wiki (svn:externals http://svn.example.com/svn/myproject/vendorsrc/mediawiki/current)