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The pen is mightier than the sword

Most administration on a Unix-like system is done with a text editor editing configuration files, usually under the /etc directory. This document will just outline a few editors to choose from.


vi (home is can reliably be expected to be installed on just about any machine or rescue console. More at Vi



joe is Joe's Own Editor. This editor uses a minimal amount of your screen, similar to vi, but is a more user-friendly editor that allows a user to position the cursor with the arrow keys and type. Ctrl-K-H can be pressed at any time to get a listing of additional commands available.


nano is the free software implementation of pico which is a popular editor for new users. Usage should be pretty clear as the common commands are all printed out on the screen for you.


TextPad is a free, powerful, general purpose editor for plain text files that works in Windows.

Wiki Editors

Text Editor Dialog-information.svg
Description: The WikiEditor extension is an extendable framework with a set of feature-based modules that improve the user experience of editing. It is also the editing interface that Wikipedia currently uses
Notes: Available as the default editor in this wiki
  • wikEd is a great JavaScript implementation of an editor for MediaWiki wikis.
  • WikiEditor is the extension in use by MediaWiki Foundation currently on all sites.
  • Visual editor is the ultimate in edit experience for 'simplicity' and lowering the bar for new contributors to the wiki since editing is so close to using a word processor.