Extensions wanted
Definitely check out the extensions released by Microsoft: https://github.com/microsoft/MediaWiki-Extensions
Some extensions that I may choose to install.
mw:Extension:CirrusSearch because the regular MySQL search stinks. See Search
- mw:Extension:SimpleBatchUpload is a super simplified upload extension by Stephan Gambke
- mw:Extension:AdvancedSearch is a new interface to ElasticSearch
- mw:Extension:Flow is a threaded discussion replacement for 'Talk' pages.
mw:Extension:WebChat used by the TranslateWiki.net community
- mw:Extension:Semantic_Maps (or plain maps) for use in displaying hikes, bike routes etc. However, need to discover the applicability of the solution to the problem.
- mw:Extension:WikiLove or mw:Extension:Thanks for community building
- mw:Extension:Cargo Cargo instead of SMW
- mw:Extension:DrawioEditor (https://github.com/mgeb/mediawiki-drawio-editor) https://Draw.io integration. But there are problems with the handling of SVG[1] nb. there is also the mw:Extension:Drawio project
mw:Extension:UploadWizard A bulk uploader in JavaScript that not only would be useful here, but would also inform as to improvements for mw:Html2Wiki
- mw:Extension:TimedMediaHandler Timed Media Handler for displaying video
- mw:Extension:MultimediaViewer a better multimedia viewer? (it's listed as being used on Commons) Certainly want to maximize the user experience in relation to Category:Graphics. There should be a better and faster way to browse images that are available in the wiki. Something that both supports thumbs and paging, and also something that supports something similar to using qiv through the browser. There is a gadget in use on Commons called FastCCI for example, view this file
Current and Proposed Telescopes by size - mw:Extension:Wikidiff2
apt-get install php-wikidiff2
word-level (space-delimited) diffs on general text, and character-level diffs on text composed of characters from the Japanese and Thai alphabets and the unified han; it includes support for Thai segmentation for word-level diffs in that language. Japanese, Chinese and Thai do not use spaces to separate words. mw:Extension:Math for math formulas. Add the Mathoid serviceWe get better Math results with SimpleMathJax- mw:Extension:Page Schemas for easily generating the forms and data structures that you would use to effect semantic models.
- Cindy Cicalese's Extension:PluggableAuth and Extension:OpenID_Connect (and SAML?). to provide Single Sign-On options.
- mw:Extension:Realnames for using a person's real name throughout the UI instead of user names which may be less identifiable: e.g. 'boomshakalaka'
- Extension:NearbyPages for finding other pages (or users?) nearby using a geolocation api
More Roadmap
- like mw:Extension:Page Schemas, mobo (a node.js package) can be used to develop specific use case models for SMW and is considered a "Deploy Automation Framework" because it lives outside the wiki, but can inject into the wiki the data structures (and changes) that are needed to use the model in the organization.
- mw:Extension:Piwik Integration for integrating the Piwik analytics platform (which is local so you control your data)
- Add service for visualization of the wiki
- Visual Diff is coming
- https://collaborate.mitre.org/extensions/index.php/Hierarchy_Builder
Compare QualityBox extensions with BlueSpice, and integrate the compare tool to QualityBox importer
There is a category page that lists BlueSpice extensions