Visual editor
The Visual Editor for MediaWiki relies on the Parsoid extension [1] AND the Parsoid service. The Parsoid service is a node.js server that interacts with the mediawiki API.
"Parsoid implements a bidirectional wikitext parser and interpreter. It converts and interprets wikitext into an annotated HTML DOM, which can then be edited with HTML editor tools such as the Visual Editor. It also provides the conversion of a (possibly modified) HTML DOM back to wikitext."
Robin Cover would be proud. It round-trips wiki to HTML + RDFa and back.
Installation edit
You'll need at least MediaWiki v1.23. I personally run the same version that they're running on (1.24wmf3 greg.rundlett (talk) 19:39, 9 May 2014 (UTC))
WebFaction edit
To install the Visual Editor extension in a Webfaction account, you need to first have node installed and working. You can do this by using the installer in your webfaction panel and associating a path with the app for a domain. I chose to install 'node' (which is now it's own one-click install). Once you do that you can [visit the path] you configured for node and you should see the "hello world" app that the installer puts in place. You'll need to stop that app, plus remove the cron job that respawns it. Then, in order to reserve and associate a port for the service, you install another 'app'. (I had to export the PORT, but this is no longer necessary if you configure it in localsettings.js.) Depending on the resource constraints of your hosting package, you may need to limit the number of workers spawned by the Parsoid service. It calculates a number based on the number of processors. For a shared hosting account, this is guaranteed to exceed your limits, so specify the --num-workers
option unless you're running on a dedicated host or VM.
Follow the installation instructions, and remember to edit both LocalSettings.php and localsettings.js
You'll want to set/update your $NODE_PATH and $PATH environment variables to locate the installed node modules, and to find the node and npm binaries
export NODE_PATH="$HOME/webapps/node/lib/node_modules:$NODE_PATH"
echo 'export NODE_PATH="$HOME/webapps/node/lib/node_modules:$NODE_PATH"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
which npm
export PATH="$HOME/webapps/node/bin:$PATH"
echo 'export PATH="/$HOME/webapps/node/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
Once node (and npm) is available, you of course need to get the parsoid and visual_editor extensions. A quick npm install
in the parsoid directory sets up all the node machinery.
To have it run continuously, you might want to use the 'forever' module.
npm install -g forever
cd ~/webapps/wiki/extensions/Parsoid/
forever node api/server.js --num-workers=2 &
Info edit
Extensions edit
API / Developer Docs / DevOps edit
- mw:Parsoid/Setup
- mw:Parsoid/Troubleshooting
- mw:Parsoid/Debugging
- mw:Parsoid/Packaging
- DevOps (Wikitech)
- powered by JSDuck
- wikitext-l
I noticed a bug and it was fixed about 5 minutes after I mentioned it! (Thanks C. Scott Ananian)