
From Freephile Wiki
Revision as of 12:06, 19 January 2016 by Freephile (talk | contribs)
Description: You use jargon at work; you're wiki should know that jargon.
Notes: mw:Extension:Lingo first added here in January 2016
Test: Terminology page where you can add/edit glossary terms.
Example: GPL

This wiki has a Terminology page where you can add/edit glossary terms. Thanks to the mw:Extension:Lingo, these terms are then visually expanded by 'tooltips' wherever they occur in the content. For example, the acronyms API and GNHLUG used in this sentence are decorated by the Lingo extension due to their definitions in the Terminology page.

If you see an acronym on this wiki, and it doesn't have a tooltip, then fix it by adding it to the Terminology page.

There can actually be multiple such pages in case your organization or content structure would work better with multiple glossaries.