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;BLU : Boston Linux & Unix = a Linux User Group in Boston, MA, USA with roots that go back into the days of Unix before Linux was a thing
;BMW : Bavarian Motor Works = German car company
;CIDR : [[wp:Classless Inter-Domain Routing|Classless Inter-Domain Routing]]
;coax: coaxial cable
;CNCF:Cloud Native Computing Foundation - a sub-foundation of the Linux Foundation.
;DRM: Digital Restrictions Management = Electronic methods to control what you can and can't do.
;EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
;FHIR: [[wp:Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources|Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources]] is a standard for exchanging Healthcare data.
;FOSS: Free Open Source Software. An attempt to communicate the 'freedom' aspect of free software de-emphasizing the price connotation of 'free'.
;FLOSS: Free / Libre Open Source Software = Another attempt to de-emphasize the price connotation of 'free' and instead recognize that free means liberty.
;FUSE: Filesystem in User Space
;GAFYD: Google Apps For Your Domain (now called Google Workspace)
;GDPR: The [[wp:General Data Protection Regulation|General Data Protection Regulation]] (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, abbreviated GDPR) is a European Union regulation on Information privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The GDPR is an important component of EU privacy law and human rights law, in particular Article 8(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It also governs the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA. The GDPR's goals are to enhance individuals' control and rights over their personal information and to simplify the regulations for international business. It supersedes the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and, among other things, simplifies the terminology.
;GitOps: GitOps is a DevOps practice that uses Git repositories to manage infrastructure and application code deployments. It's an evolution of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) that uses Git pull requests to verify and automatically deploy system infrastructure modifications. GitOps can help organizations: Improve efficiency and security, Improve the developer experience, Reduce costs, Speed up deployments, and Maintain consistency across all infrastructure.
;GNHLUG: Greater New Hampshire Linux User Groups = an association of User Groups in and around the state of New Hampshire, USA of people interested in Linux technology and/or those who created it in the first place; and continue to this day.
;GNU: Gnu's Not Unix, because Unix is proprietary software while Gnu is software that respects your freedom.
;JSON: JavaScript Object Notation = A data representation format in JavaScript
;KIO: KDE Input/Output slaves
;Kompose: [ kompose] is a tool to help users who are familiar with [[docker-compose]] move to [[Kubernetes]]. kompose takes a Compose Specification file and translates it into Kubernetes resources.
;Kubectl: (Kyoob' cuddle) a command line tool for communicating with a [[Kubernetes]] cluster's control plane, using the Kubernetes API.
;Kustomize: Kubernetes native configuration management built into [[kubectl]] as <code>apply -k</code>.
;LUG: Linux User Group = a general term whereas a specific LUG will often have a geographic focus
;LXC: is a userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features. Through a powerful API and simple tools, it lets Linux users easily create and manage system or application containers.
;ORM: Object Relational Mapping = a database approach
;PCI DSS: The [[wp:Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard|Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard]] was created in 2006 to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information operate securely. The framework is primarily intended to keep cardholder information safe. All companies handling this information must comply with PCI DSS, regardless of size. The framework is administered and enforced by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council.
;PDCA: Plan Do Check Act - [[wp:PDCA|PDCA]] is called the Deming Cycle or Deming Wheel [[File:PDCA-Multi-Loop.png|right|thumb]]
;PDF: Portable Document Format = a widely used standard for representing documents electronically and print. [[PDF]]
;PEAR: PHP Extension and Application Repository = a collection of code started in 1999 to enhance the utility of PHP.
;Pods: A Pod (as in a pod of whales or pea pod) is a group of one or more containers , with shared storage/network resources, and a specification for how to run the containers.
;POTS: [[wp:Plain old telephone service|Plain Old Telephone Service]] is an acronym to describe the traditional telephone network served by copper wires strung on poles. (nb. There is a lot more infrastructure to POTS than just the poles and wires.)
;POTD: Picture Of The Day
;POTY: Picture Of The Year
;SCM: Software Configuration Management
;SEO: Search Engine Optimization
;SIP: Session Initiation Protocol is a protocol used in VoIP communications allowing users to make voice and video calls, mostly for free. A SIP client is a program that you install on your computer or mobile device.
;SOC 2: Systems and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 is a set of compliance criteria developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
;SPAM: unsolicited bulk email
;VCS : Version Control System
;VE: Visual Editor
;VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol, or commonly "Voice over IP", is the Internet alternative to POTS.
;WMF: WikiMedia Foundation = the organization which runs various projects including [[w:Main Page|]]
;WOFF: Web Open Font Format

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