
From Freephile Wiki
< MediaWiki
Revision as of 15:20, 5 December 2008 by Freephile (talk | contribs) (interim edits)

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  1. Do slides on s5 so I can play and distribute the slides
  2. write an extension that creates an s5 slideshow from mw article(s)
  3. Ask Andy Oram for the O'Reilly MediaWiki book
  4. Rehearse
  5. Record to video for blogging

Using it[edit | edit source]

I'm not going into a detailed comparison of various wikis, trying to argue which is best. I do want to point out that MediaWiki does not use CamelCase words in order to make a link. This means a lot to all the Irish people of the world, and also the marketers who seem pretty convinced of the coolness of McWords like ThinkPad, etc.

MediaWiki syntax is easy to learn, and easy to use. In fact, you might already be using it without even knowing it.

  • this
  • is
  • a list


  1. Family
  2. Community
  3. Work
  4. Country

is an ordered list. links are automatic and by using a simple bracket notation, you can make them prettier and more meaningful <nowki>See the kids in their Halloween costumes</nowiki> See the kids in their Halloween costumes

  • External editor
  • Wysiwyg editor

WikEd is a full wysiwyg editor with special features for MediaWiki. You can install it for yourself in a single browser as a user script or you can install it into your mediawiki installation.

WikEd[edit | edit source]

   * Wikicode syntax highlighting
   * Pasting, import, and conversion of formatted text, e.g. from Microsoft-Word and web pages
   * Regular expression search and replace
   * Edit preview and show changes on the same page without reloading
   * Fullscreen editing mode
   * Single-click fixing of common mistakes
   * History for summary, search, and replace fields
   * Jump to selected heading
   * Type-ahead find
   * Support for many languages
   * Improved diff display
   * Follow links and wiki-links (ctrl-click)
   * Runs automatically on every MediaWiki installation when installed as a local Greasemonkey user script

For more details, see the WikEd homepage

Administering it[edit | edit source]

  • Custom menu

Developing it[edit | edit source]

  • Theming

Theming[edit | edit source]

Extensions[edit | edit source]

  1. The Manual
  2. An incomplete list of extensions

So many examples, which ones to highlight?

  1. Case Western University's Google Map Extension

Any wiki site you visit, you can see the installed extensions by viewing the Special:Version page

Getting it, Installing it[edit | edit source]

use svn

Setup for an intranet and/or KB[edit | edit source]

  • Namespaces
  • Wiki farm ala Drupal multisite

Resources[edit | edit source]

Book IRC Manual Source