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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 14 pages using this property.
Allows site administrators flexible powers to delete content. You can mass delete articles by title, user, or ip address.  +
Through PDF Handler, we can display thumbnails of PDF files uploaded into the wiki  +
There are built-in functions; and there are additional functions enabled by the [[mw:Extension:ParserFunctions]]  +
clean and SEO friendly URLs  +
Power editing  +
Using SSL and TLS Deployment Best Practices, QualityBox gets an A+ rating for security.  +
The SVGEdit extension gives users the ability to draw in the wiki. Due to the nature of SVG, this is perfect for in-wiki illustrations, flow diagrams, org charts, and editing any SVG graphic file uploaded into the wiki.  +
syntax highlighting is available for dozens of languages through the [[mw:Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi]] and the underlying [[Python]] [ Pygments] library  +
The [[mw:Extension:WikiEditor|WikiEditor]] extension is an extendable framework with a set of feature-based modules that improve the user experience of editing. It is also the editing interface that Wikipedia currently uses  +
Your 'skin' for your wiki determines the overall look and feel of the wiki.  +
create icons with onmouseover tooltips  +
embed videos from 30 popular services directly into your wiki  +
A reliable rich-text editor for MediaWiki. Allows you to just "edit the page you see" while being aware of all the syntactically rich features of templates, extensions etc.  +
we add real-time visibility into the web server activity.  +