Difference between revisions of "Knowledge"

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(Add a bunch more applications)
Line 87: Line 87:
Line 94: Line 95:
{{Skill|load balancing}}
{{Skill|load balancing}}
Line 101: Line 103:
{{Skill|object-oriented programming (OOP)}}
{{Skill|object-oriented programming (OOP)}}

Revision as of 14:27, 3 May 2023

AAD Aegir AJAX AMI Ansible Apache Apache SOLR OPCache Apps architecture aspect-oriented programming authoring awk AWS AWS CLI AWS CodeBuild AWS CodeCommit AWS CloudWatch AWS EC2 AWS ECR AWS ECS AWS EFS AWS ELB AWS ES AWS Fargate AWS IAM AWS Lambda AWS RDS AWS S3 Azure Azure Active Directory Azure CLI BASH BCFG2 BitKeeper blogging bug tracking build environments business intelligence caching Chive Chrome Chrome DevTools CI / CD CiviCRM classes Client Support Cloud CMS Composer containers content management data data modeling Debian debuggers design desktop mobile and server OS Desktop support development lifecycle DevOps Discourse Docker Docker Compose Docker Swarm document management documentation systems Doxygen Drupal Eclipse Elasticsearch file systems Firefox frameworks Git GIMP GlusterFS HAProxy HTTP IDE illustration information architecture infrastructure IRC JavaScript Jenkins jQuery JSON JWT KnowledgeTree Kubernetes LDAP LibreOffice lighttpd Linode load balancing Mailhog MariaDB MediaWiki Memcached MySQL NetBeans networking Nginx OAuth object-oriented programming (OOP) OpenAtrium OpenIDConnect PEAR Perl PdfTK pgadmin3 PHP 1-8 PHPDebug phpDoc phpMyAdmin PHPunit PostgreSQL POTS Printing procedural programming product development project management protocols proxies psql quality assurance quality assurance RackSpace hosting regex regular expressions release engineering reverse-proxies RHEL sales and marketing SAML search sed SEO Services Signal SimpleTest Skype Slack Smarty software build and automation systems Software development methodology speaking Splunk Squid TLS SSO Subversion SugarCRM Symfony TaskJuggler TCP/IP team building technical operations technical writing telecommunications TLS Ubuntu UML unit testing user interface and design version control VirtualBox virtualization VOIP VSCode Web web servers WebDAV wikis WordPress Xen XML Yaml Zend Framework